Roof top tents are a very simple, quick and easy way to go camping, and particularly if you want to take your boat, trailer, or jet ski with you. This new design of Roof top tent can be easily fitted to most vehicle roof racks or roof bars without the necessity to drill or modify. This new Austrack model has many new features and attaches to your vehicle utilising a track and clamp system.
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We have studied many rooftop tents available on the market today, both here and overseas. We looked at the various features from design, materials, strength, and suitability to the various climates and conditions found throughout Australia. A culmination of our research led to the design and manufacture of this new Austrack model.
This new design of Rooftop tent can be easily fitted to most vehicle roof racks or roof bars without the necessity to drill or modify. This new Austrackmodel has many new features and attaches to your vehicle utilisng a track and clamp system.
They are a very simple, quick and easy way to go camping, and particularly if you want to take your boat, trailer, or jet ski etc with you. Over at Fraser Island (opposite Hervey Bay) they are proving very popular due to the Dingo population, and off course in North Queensland and the Territory for safe camping in crocodile infested areas, and lets not forget those inquisitive goannas that seem to turn up at most camp sites. They are certainly worth their weight in gold if camping in areas subject to flooding.
We have supplied our roof top tents to several people on the move, where there is a necessity for quick stopovers, a night or two at a friends or families place, a quick fishing trip, or travelling long distances without the high cost of paying for accommodation.
In around five minutes you can be set up. Your bedding, pegs, guy ropes etc all fit under the exterior travel cover. Theres nothing relating to setting up and sleeping that needs to be kept in your vehicle, allowing more storage space for other camping gear.
You can choose to have the tent folding out to the rear or either side of your vehicle. You can also mount above a box trailer, boat or Jet Ski trailer. At the back of the annex walls there is a zip open panel to enable you to open your rear or side door (depending on how the tent is fitted) to access your belongings.
This is a top quality roof top tent, and is comparable to all of our canvas products representing excellent value for money. We offer a 12 months no fuss warranty on all our canvas products. We can offer excellent rates for delivery to all corners of Australia. If you have any questions, even suggestions, then please do not hesitate to contact us. If the opportunity arises, please call in at our Caboolture premises where we have one set up on display & also one on a vehicle. We have workshop facilities & can even supply roof bars to mount your tent on to, & then fit it for you.